The quasi xgamma-geometric distribution

Subhradev Sen, Ahmed Z. Afify, Hazem Al-Mofleh, Mohammad Ahsanullah


In this paper, a new probability distribution, which is synthesized based on the quasi xgamma (Sen and Chandra, 2017) and geometric distributions, is proposed and studied. The proposed distribution so synthesized is basically a family of positively skewed probability distributions and possesses increasing and decreasing hazard rate properties depending on the values of the unknown parameters. Dierent important distributional and survival and/or reliability properties are also studied. A unique characterization of the distribution is presented based on reversed hazard rate. Seven dierent frequentist methods of estimating unknown parameters are proposed and the methods are justied with Monte-Carlo simulation study. Flexible data generation algorithm eases the utility of the proposed model in survival and/or reliability application which is accomplished by real data analyses and by comparing with other competitive life distributions.


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