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Jakšić, Predrag, University of Niš Faculty of Science and Mathematics Department of Biology and Ecology (Serbia)
Jakšić, Predrag
Janaćković, Pedja, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Janaćković, Pedja, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Biology
Janakiev, Tamara, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Janković, Milica, Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Endocrinology, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, the National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14, 11351 Belgrade, Serbia (Serbia)
Janković Mandić, Ljiljana
Jelena, Matejić S.
Jenačković, Dragana, Department of Biology and Ecology Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics University of Niš (Serbia)
Jenačković, Dragana
Jenačković, Dragana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš (Serbia)
Jenačković Gocić, Dragana, Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Višegradska 33, 18 000 Niš, Serbia
Jenačković Gocić, Dragana, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Višegradska 33, 18000 Niš, Serbia (Serbia)
Jenačković Gocić, Dragana, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology and Ecology, Niš, Serbia (Serbia)
Jenačković Gocić, Dragana, Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Višegradska 33, 18000 Niš, Serbia. (Serbia)
Jenačković Gocić, Dragana, Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš (Serbia)
Jenačković-Gocić, Dragana, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics (Serbia)
Jerković-Mujkić, Anesa, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Jevremović, Darko, Fruit Research Institute, 32102 Čačak, Serbia (Serbia)
Jevtić, Aleksandra Slobodan, High Agricultural food School of Professional Studies, Cirila and Metodija 1, 18400 Prokuplje, Serbia (Serbia)
Jevtić, Jelena, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš (Serbia)
Jevtović, Snežana, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Višegradska 33, 18000 Niš, Serbia
Jevtović-Stoimenov, Tatjana, University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, 18000 Niš, Serbia (Serbia)
Jogan, Nejc, University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty Department of Biology, Slovenia (Slovenia)
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ISSN: 2217-4605