Spatial and temporal distribution of the macrozoobenthos community in ponds of Southeastern Serbia
Ponds are a prevalent type of freshwater ecosystems worldwide, but most studies have been traditionally focused on deep stratified lakes. The region of Southeastern Serbia is showcasing the fact that research on this type of small water bodies is scarce. In present study was compared macroinvertebrates community in ponds in Southeastern Serbia, at different altitudes but with similar other parameters. The goals of this study include: determining the composition and structure of macrozoobenthos communities in ponds at different altitudes; determining the seasonal changes in macrozoobenthos communities in these ponds; and determining the microdistribution of macroinvertebrate taxa in these ponds along the gradient of depth. In studied ponds, structuring of communities was mostly contributed to by insect groups. In the lower-altitude pond these were Chironomidae and Coenagrionidae, while in the higher-altitude pond Chironomidae and Dytiscidae. Our study has shown that in most cases the sample of macroinvertebrate community included a greater number of families in autumn than in spring season. The greatest number of families was recorded in samples collected in the shallowest part of the pond, both in the pond with a low and in the pond with a high altitude.
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