New data on distribution of Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan in freshwater habitats on Vranica Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Ermin Mašić, Senka Barudanović, Sabina Žero, Emina Ramić, Armin Macanović, Senaid Fejzić


Freshwater habitats such as springs, streams and lakes at mountain area represent extremely fragile ecosystems. These types of habitats occur in the wide area of Vranica Mountain. During our research (August and September 2018) of freshwater habitats in this area, rare golden macroalgae Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan was found. It has been already detected in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in this study new localities are presented. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, specific electrical conductivity, turbidity and total dissolved solids were measured on sampling sites. In addition to the analysis of ecological characteristics of habitats, diatom assemblages were analysed. In this study a total of 48 diatom taxa belonging to 25 genera were identified. The number of recorded taxa of diatoms in the study sites ranged from 11 to 22. Genera with the highest number of taxa were Pinnularia (5), Gomphonema (5), Diatoma (4) and Cocconeis (4). The most common diatom taxa were Odontidium mesodon, Cocconeis lineata, Meridion circulare, Cocconeis placentula, Gomphonema minusculum and Achnanthidium minutissimum. This study represents a contribution to algological research in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


bioindicators, conservation ecology, macroalgae, springs, streams, water quality

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