Spontaneous flora of the Vraca Memorial Park (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Nermina Sarajlić, Nejc Jogan, Senad Murtić, Vladimir Ranđelović


The Vraca Memorial Park was built in 1980-1981 around the old Austro-Hungarian fortress located above the city of Sarajevo, on northwestern slopes of Trebević mountain slightly above 600 m asl. It covers an area of approximately 8 ha. The southwestern part of the park is mostly covered by seminatural forest, central part of the range mostly paved, and northeastern is covered by partly ornamental forest and some grassland patches. Despite being declared a National Monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005, the Park is neglected and ruined, which allowed diverse subspontaneous vegetation to develop. The paper presents the results of systematic research and analysis of the spontaneous vascular flora of the Vraca Memorial Park. A total of 280 species of 182 genera and 67 families were recorded. With 37 species, Poaceae are the most abundant, followed by Asteraceae (incl. Cichoriaceae) with 29, and Fabaceae and Rosaceae (23 species each). Numerous seedlings of shrubs and trees planted for ornamental purposes were observed, as well as the presence of two protected Orchidaceae species.


Sarajevo; urban flora; Vraca Memorial Park

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