Trials on introduction and cultivation of Arnica montana L. in Bulgaria

Antonina Vitkova, Vessela Balabanova


The current study was designed to evaluate the optimal environmental conditions for successful introduction and cultivation of Arnica montana   in Bulgaria. The plant growth at four experimental fields at different altitudes in three floristic regions of the country was observed. Plants development with two origins of seeds (natural population from Carpathians, Ukraine and cultivar "Arbo", Germany), propagated in vivo and in vitro, and were compared. The impact of both propagation approaches on plant reproduction and vegetation was determined. The biological features of arnica growing under different environmental conditions have been identified. During the four consecutive years of the field experiment the growth and development of the plants were monitored and survival time was assessed. The results show that in vivo propagated A. montana successfully adapted to the high-mountainous regions of Bulgaria and adjusted better to the field conditions than those obtained in vitro.


Arnica, medicinal plant, field cultivation, Bulgaria

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