Chasmophytic forests of Ostrya carpinifolia in west-Serbian canyons

Branko Karadžić


Variability patterns and biodiversity components of chasmophytic forests of Ostrya carpinifolia in west-Serbian ravine habitats were analyzed in this article. Investigations were performed in four gorges along Gornja Tresnjica, Gradac, Ljutina and Lim rivers. Chasophytic hop hornbeam forests occur on steep slopes (25° to 50°) at elevations ranging from 260 m to 1200 m, on all aspects. These forests grow on screes, rocky clifs, colluvial gravel, on shallow soils on dolomites, limestone and serpentine. Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that moisture, light and temperature gradients are the main factor affecting diversification of investigated forests. The greatest alpha diversity was detected in Brodarevo and Gostun gorges, along the Lim River.


Alpha diversity, Beta diversity, Ostrya carpinifolia, Chasmophytes, Canonical correspondence analysis

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