Species distribution modeling techniques as a tool in preliminary assessment of special nature reserve ,,Goč-Gvozdac’’

Tijana R Čubrić


Effective conservation actions such as defining new nature reserve require accurate estimates of the spatial distributions of the target species. Species distribution models provide habitat suitability maps for studied species. In this paper we used Maxent software to estimate the distribution and extent of potential suitable habitat of five amphibian and reptilian species (Mesotriton alpestris, Bombina variegata, Testudo hermanni, Lacerta viridis and Vipera ammodytes) in the special nature reserve “Goč-Gvozdac” (Central Serbia) in order to assess how much of the potential habitats is included in this reserve. Comparing produced suitable habitat maps of the species with a map of the special nature reserve “Goč – Gvozdac” we concluded that the reserve boundaries do not coincide with the proposed distribution of suitable habitats for M. alpestris, T. hermanni, L. viridis and V. ammodytes, and therefore this reserve does not contribute much to the protection of local populations of these species.


species distribution modeling; Maxent; nature reserve; reptiles; amphibians.

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