Huang, Junjie, China
Vol 33, No 6 (2019) - Regular issue of Filomat
The point spectrum and residual spectrum of upper triangular operator matrices
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Vol 35, No 10 (2021) - Dragana Cvetkovic Ilic - Operator theory, Linear algebra
EP matrices of adjointable operators on Hilbert C*-modules
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Vol 36, No 13 (2022) - Dragan Djordjevic - Functional analysis, Operator theory
Self-adjoint perturbations of left (right) Weyl spectrum for upper triangular operator matrices
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Vol 38, No 14 (2024) - Dragan Djordjevic - Functional analysis, Operator theory
The solution of the Yang-Baxter-like operator equation for rank-one operators
ISSN: 2406-0933