Gündüz, Birol, Erzincan University, Turkey
Vol 31, No 7 (2017) - Dragan Djordjevic - Functional analysis, Operator theory
Fixed Points of a Finite Family of I-Asymptotically Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings in a Convex Metric Space
Abstract PDF -
Vol 32, No 4 (2018) - Dijana Mosic - Operator theory, Linear algebra
A One-Step-Two-Mappings Iterative Scheme for Multi-Valued Maps in W-Hyperbolic Spaces
Abstract PDF -
Vol 32, No 16 (2018): ICANAS 2017 - ICANAS-2017
Convergence Theorems of a Faster Iteration Process Including Multivalued Mappings with Analytical and Numerical Examples
ISSN: 2406-0933