Phytogeographical characteristics and endemism of the flora of Rogozna Mt. (SW Serbia)
Based on presence of area types and area groups, the phytogeographical analysis show that Rogozna Mt. is area with eurasian-submediterranean-centraleuropean-pontic characteristics. Eurasian area type is dominant in the flora of Rogozna Mt. Detailed analysis of the Eurasian area type showed a numerous presence of the species with Central European-Mediterranean (73) and Central European-Mediterranean-Pontic (73) types of distribution. The influence of the Mediterranean region is especially pronounced. There are 117 species with Mediterranean-Submediterranean type of distribution, many of which are endemics or subendemics. Typical Pontic elements of flora are present in very low percent (1.27%), but taxa with Mediterranean-Pontic (14.7%) and Central-European-Mediterranean-Pontic (9.38%) are numerous. The presence of an imposing number of endemic taxa (51) has a great significance from the aspect of biodiversity and conservation of the area.
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