Differences in the relationship of the most important traits of bread wheat depending on the different agro-ecological conditions
Different agro-ecological conditions have a great influence on the phenotypical expression of yield components and grain yield. Besides this, their relationships are changed, too. In extreme wet conditions of the year, with large amounts of precipitations during the most important development stages, phenotypic differences and the relationship between the most important yield components and grain yield are less pronounced. Coefficients of variation, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis were used to determine the performances of advanced wheat genotypes under different agro-climatic conditions of research locations. In this research, the highest degree of variation, i.e. coefficients of variation for spikes mass and grain mass per plant from localities Kragujevac, Kruševac, and Sombor were expressed. Compared with the other two localities, the locality Sombor is distinguished by a strong and positive degree of correlations between yield components and grain yield.
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