Dendrometric analyses and determining biological characteristics of needles for the purpose of conservation and directed utilization of the spruce in southeastern Serbia
This paper analyzes the morphological and dendrometric characteristics of three 97 years old European spruce trees, on Čemernik mountain, in the municipality of Crna Trava, where European spruce is not autochthonous. The examined parameters were compared with 5 test European spruce trees, aged about 50 years, which are grown in the population, within a radius of 100 m, in identical environmental conditions. The results of this study confirm the excellent vitality of hundred-year-old trees at the researched location, which can be brought into direct correlation with the current climate changes. The selected trees have confirmed the best combinatorial ability, which is why they stand out as a good base for selection and production of planting material for establishing purpose culture, afforestation, application in landscape architecture, and also for timber production. The research confirmed that the analyzed hundred-year-old spruce trees are in excellent condition and high decorative value, with a crown formed from the ground, which is why they are proposed for protection as a natural monument of botanical character.
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