Impact of Cuscuta spp. seed size variability on machine operation during seed finishing of natural alfalfa seeds
The alfalfa seeds intended for marketing must not contain any seeds of the dodder (Cuscuta spp.), because it is a quarantine weed in Serbia and the world. Cuscuta spp. are frequently found in natural alfalfa seeds; nevertheless and because of this, the seed must be processed, i.e. cleaned of weeds. The paper presents a study of seed size variability of Cuscuta spp. of four seed lots of natural alfalfa seeds originating from Banat, Serbia. From each of the four examined seed lots of natural alfalfa seeds, a difference in seed size was determined for 30 seeds of Cuscuta spp. per lot. The difference in seed length of Cuscuta spp. was 371 µm, and the difference in seed width was 330 µm. The coefficient of variation varied from CV=8.356% to 12.00% for seed width; and from CV=9.383% to 10.69% for seed length. Seed size of Cuscuta spp. did not significantly affect the efficiency of magnetic separator work in extracting Cuscuta spp. seeds from natural alfalfa seeds.
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