Community structure with particular reference to the effect of grazing in forest formations of Saïda (Algeria)

Mohammed Djebbouri, Mohamed Terras


To better understand and manage the forest vegetation of the Saïda district (types of vegetation present, floristic compositions, possible types of degradation), a total of 215 phytoecological surveys were carried out in the study area. In each survey, the intensity of the grazing and the presence or absence of regeneration of the tree layer were noted. The plant groups were determined using a modified TWINSPAN classification. For each vegetation group, the diagnostic species were selected based on their fidelity index (phi coefficient). We identified 9 plant groups and selected 147 diagnostic species. The results of this study showed that in the surveys carried out, there were more than 80% of moderately to heavily grazed, while in more than 70% of the studied plots, there was no regeneration of the main tree species. This alarming situation implies the rapid and effective implementation of protection and conservation measures.


structure, forest formations, grazing, Saïda, Algeria

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