In order to determine the effect of genotype and vegetation season on the yield and components of the winter wheat yield in the field experiment of the secondary agricultural-chemical school "Dr Đorđe Radić" in Kraljevo. Five wheat varieties (Kruna, Renesansa, Pobeda, NS 40S and Takovčanka) were examined during two growing seasons in the agro-ecological conditions of Western Serbia. Trials were arranged according to a randomized scheme in five repetitions. Grain yield (GY), 1000 grain weight (TGW) and test weight (TW) in winter wheat grain were analysed. The study was performed as an experiment based on extremely acidic pseudogley soil. On average, for all wheat varieties, during the two-year trial, the highest yield of winter wheat 4.673 t/ha was obtained in the variety Renesansa. The Perfekta variety showed the highest yield and 1000 grain weight. The highest 1000 grain weight of investigation on wheat cultivar Renesansa (43.72 g). The highest two-year average value of test weight was found in the varieties Kruna and Planeta (77.52 kg/hl and 77.31 kg/hl). Analysis of variance revealed a highly significant effect of the growing season on the yield and test weight of wheat. A highly significant effect of genotype on 1000 grain weight and test weight was determined.
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