Bryophyte collection BEOU – a neglected national research treasure
Considering recent progress of bryology in Serbia a digitization of bryophyte collection within BEOU (Bryo BEOU) was initiated. It is important and largest collection of the bryophytes in the country, and represent significant basis for all further research and analysis of bryophyte flora of Serbia. This collection also keeps important material from neighboring countries that are considered poorly investigated (e.g. Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Here is given an overview of the specimens kept in the collection. However, work on the organization and systematization of this growing collection is ongoing.
bryophytes; herbarium; collection; digitization; Serbia
Full Text:
Pantović, J., Sabovljević, M. 2017. Overview of bryophyte flora research in Serbia with presentation of the Serbian BRYO database. Botanica Serbica, 41(2): 153–162.
Pavletić, Z. 1955. Prodromus flore briofita Jugoslavije. Jugoslavenska Akademija znanosti i umetnosti, 578 pp
Vukojičić, S., Lakušić, D., Jovanović, S., Marin, P.D., Tomović, G., Sabovljević, M., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Veljić, M., Cvijan, M., Blaženčić, J., Stevanović, V. 2011. University of Belgrade Herbarium–treasury of data and challenges for future research On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of University of Belgrade Herbarium (1860- 2010). Botanica serbica, 35:163–178..
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