A real-time PCR assay for evaluation of drought tolerance in a new tea clone

Narjes Mohammadi, Akbar Norastehnia, Mohammad Mehdi Sohani, Korosh Falakroo


Drought stress induces oxidative stress with subsequent increases in ROS in plants. To evaluate oxidative stress intensity with re-irrigation, changes in superoxide dismutase (SOD) expression were investigated by Real-Time PCR in 2 tea clones, DN and 100. Results showed that SOD expression and other measured factors, except for carotenoids, increased under drought stress in clone DN, but the changes were not significant in clone 100, compared to control. All of the meaningful increases in evaluated enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant factors were eliminated with re-irrigation. The observed changes indicate that clone DN activated its antioxidant defense system in response to drought. In contrast, the lack of response in clone 100 indicates higher levels of tolerance of this new clone against drought.


Drought, Oxidative stress, Proline, Superoxide dismutase, Tea.

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