The interaction of genotype and environment on yield and quality components in triticale

Vera Đekić, Jelena Milivojević, Snežana Branković


The experiment was established at the Small Grains Research Centre in Kragujevac, where two varieties of triticale were investigated. The highest three-year average of grain yield (4.910 t/ha), 1000-kernel weight (42.67 g) and test weight (69.85 kg/hl) were obtained by Kg 20 variety. The highest three-year average value of protein content was found in the variety Trijumf (13.157%). Highly significant influence of the year on grain yield, 1000-kernel weight and protein content was established for investigated winter triticale cultivars by variance analysis, and significant influence of the year on the test weight. The influence of the cultivar on grain yield, 1000-kernel weight, test weight and protein content was not statistically significant. Environmental conditions have had a significant effect on grain yield and quality in triticale. Grain yield shows a tendency to increase in the years having a higher total amount and better distribution of rainfall during critical plant development stages.


grain yield, protein, test weight, triticale

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