Effects of Salicylic Acid Foliar Application on Growth and Antioxidant Potential of Basil
Salicylic acid is one of endogenous plant growth regulators that plays a key role in many physiological processes. The present study analysed the effect of different concentrations (0, 0.01, 0.1, ad 1.0 mM) of salicylic acid on morphological parameters, photosynthetic pigment, protein, proline, total carbohydrates, and secondary metabolites content as well as peroxidase activity. One month after sowing seedlings were replanted in new pots, and salicylic acid was applied in form of a foliar spray. Plants were harvested 60 days after salicylic acid application. Results showed that foliar application of salicylic acid induces long-term changes in plant growth and metabolism. We recorded increase in leaf area, secondary metabolites and peroxidase activity. Reduction in total sugar and proline content is also recorded. Decrease in proline content is probably result of degradation of proline in stress induced conditions.
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