Air quality lichen monitoring at three selected urban areas in the Southern Serbia
Abstract – The results of a study using epiphytic lichens as bioindicators, for the first time on teritory of three different areas in the Southern Serbia, are reported. Investigation was done in Vlasotince in 2002 and 2013; in Leskovac in 2002 and 2008 and, for the first time, in Lebane in 2013. In this work, in order to establish different air pollution levels, different lichen species have been used as bioindicators. The analysis of samples from 142 investigated points in described localities indicates presence of 53 lichens taxa. An assessment of air quality in the Southern Serbia area was made by using the index of atmospheric purity (IAP). Using the IAP values, it has been found that there are different air pollution zones: „normal“ zone, "struggle" zone and "lichen desert" zone which occupies a vast majority of the urban area. The aim of the study is to present the difference in air quality over a certain time interval in areas of Southern Serbia. The new boundaries of the lichen zones are presented, with main reasons for its shrinkage in the Southern Serbia area over the years, as well as predictions of further alterations. The comparison of the results obtained in 2002 and 2013 in Vlasotince indicates the presence of „normal“ zone in 2002 but, in 2013, the „normal zone“ area was completely replaced with the „struggle“ zone. In Leskovac, unlike the previous studies, a slightly narrowing “lichen desert" zone is noticed. In Lebane, there is a presence of all lichen zones.
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