The influence of orographical and bioclimatic factors on morphological variability of analyzed characters of Jovibarba heuffelii (Schott) A. Löve & D. Löve (Crassulaceae)

Danijela Nikolić, Jasmina Šinžar-Sekulić, Vladimir Ranđelović, Dmitar Lakušić


The goal of this paper was to determine the extent of morphological variability in species J. heuffelii caused by orographic and bioclimatic factors. Samples were collected from 14 populations of species J. heuffelii, from the territories of Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. For this purpose cluster analysis (UPGMA) on bioclimatic parameters and regression analysis were performed. The cluster analysis of bioclimatic factors has shown that the study area was influenced by semiarid temperate-continental or subcontinental climate, continental mountain climate and humid mountain climate. Among the orographic factors, the greatest influence on morphological characters of species J. heuffelii was determined for altitude, exposition and slope of the terrain. The mean temperature of the wettest quartile (BIO8) and temperature seasonality (BIO4) have shown the greatest influence on the morphological characters of J. heuffelii.

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