Hui, Shyamal Kumar, The University of Burdwan, India
Vol 33, No 9 (2019) - Regular issue of Filomat
Another class of warped product skew CR-submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds
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Vol 33, No 16 (2019) - Mica Stankovic - Differential geometry
Evolution of some geometric quantities along the Cotton flow
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Vol 34, No 12 (2020) - Mica Stankovic - Differential geometry
Ricci curvature on warped product submanifolds of Sasakian-space-forms
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Vol 35, No 9 (2021) - Mica Stankovic - Differential geometry
First eigenvalue of weighted $p$-Laplacian under Cotton flow
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Vol 36, No 1 (2022) - Mica Stankovic - Differential geometry
Interpolating Sesqui Harmonic Slant Curve In Generalized Sasakian Space form
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Vol 36, No 18 (2022) - Mica Stankovic - Differential geometry
Eigenvalue of $(p,q)$-Laplace system along the powers of mean curvature flow
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Vol 37, No 12 (2023) - Mica Stankovic - Differential geometry
Hamilton and Souplet-Zhang type gradient estimate along geometric flow
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Vol 38, No 17 (2024) - Mica Stankovic - Differential geometry
Bernstein type gradient estimation for weighted local heat equation
ISSN: 2406-0933