Flora around Slavujevac on Rujan mountain (SE Serbia)

Milica Simic, Bojan Zlatković


This paper presents the results of floristic research conducted in the surrounding of village of Slavujevac on Rujan Mt. in SE Serbia. The presence of 592 taxa from the group of vascular plants was ascertained in the investigated area, with 566 species and subspecies recorded for the first time. Out of a total of 26 species listed in the literature for the flora of the Slavujevac area, the presence of 11 species has been confirmed. The presence of 45 plant species was recorded in the category of protected taxa, and 13 in the category of strictly protected taxa. The most common life form in the flora of the studied area is the form of hemicryptophytes present with 40.47% of the total number of recorded taxa. In the phytogeographical sense, the flora of the investigated area is dominated by species of the Mediterranean-sumediterranean (31.29%) and Eurasian (26.36%) area types, also including several Balkan endemic taxa.


flora, species diversity, floristic composition, Slavujevac, Rujan Mt., Serbia

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