Brometum commutati – a new halophytic plant association in Central and South Serbia

Ivana Zlatković, Dragana Jenačković Gocić, Svetlana Bogdanović, Vladimir Ranđelović


During the phytocoenological studies in salt marshes of Central and South Serbia data were collected from 168 stands. After the data were entered into the vegetation database TURBOVEG, cluster analysis performed in FLORA software package has shown presence of 13 associations in the study area. At the sites of Oblačina and Bresničić salt marshes a new plant association was recorded and phytocoenologically described under the name Brometum commutati ass. new. Continuous monitoring of floristic composition during an entire vegetation season has shown that this association was built by 58 species. In addition to the dominant species Bromus commutatus, higher abundance and cover values were recorded for: Hordeum geniculatum, Puccinellia distansCerastium dubium and Trifolium lappaceum. The total cover value for stands at both localities was 100%. This association occupies a much greater surface area at Oblačina salt marsh, where 11 stands were recorded. Stands of this association alternate with stands of association Puccinellietum limosae Soó 1933. The sample also included three phytocoenologically described stands from Bresničić salt marsh. Although this plant community was recorded at the less halophytic soils, in the syntaxonomic sense it still belongs to the alliance Puccinellion limosae Soó 1933 due to the floristic similarity with other associations of that alliance.


saline habitats, Southern Serbia, plant community, Oblačina salt areas, Bresničić salt area

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