Simulation Type Functions and Coincidence Points

Stojan Radenovic, Sumit Chandok


In this paper, we obtain some sufficient conditions for the existence
  and uniqueness of point of coincidence by using simulation functions in the context of metric spaces and prove some interesting results.
  Our results generalize the corresponding results of \cite{An3}, \cite{Af}, \cite{Kh1}, \cite{LACR} and \cite{OlG} in several directions. Also, we provide an example which shows
  that our main result is a proper generalization of the result of Jungck [American Math. Monthly 83(1976) 261-263], L-de-Hierro et al. [J. Comput. Appl. Math 275(2015) 345-355]  and of Olgun et al. [Turk. J. Math.
  (2016) 40:832-837].

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